Harun Eye Hospital Mirpur Road
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Address: Mirpur Road, House #12/A
Road No. 5, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh
Website: http://www.hefhbd.com/
Saturday~Thursday: 9AM–9PM
Friday Closed
Doctor List of Harun Eye Hospital
Prof. Dr. Sheikh M. A. Mannaf
MBBS, FCPS (Ophth)
Fellow in Glaucoma (USA)
Specialty: Phaco, Medical Retina & Glaucoma
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Phone : 9613930-34 Ex-102, 9663183, 01712111871, 01812158618
Saturday to Thursday 5:00PM to 9:00PM
Dr. A.B. Shamsudduha
MBBS, DO, FCPS (Ophth), MS (Ophth)
Fellow-in Retina-Vitreous (Aravind Eye Hospital, India)
Associate Professor
Lions Eye Institute & Hospital, Agargaon, Dhaka
Ex- Assistant Professor
BIRDEM Hospital & Ibrahim Medical College, Dhaka
Specialty: Retina & ROP Specialist & Surgeon
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours: Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday; 4.30PM to 8.30PM
Room No: 406
Phone: 9613930-34 Ex-406
Mobile: 01775427468
Prof. Dr. Golam Haider
MBBS, FCPS, MS (Ophth)
Fellow in Oculoplasty (India)
Specialty: Eye Lid. Orbit & Eye Cosmetic Surgery
Professor, Department of Oculoplasty
National Institute of Ophthalmology & Hospital
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours: Magrib to Isha (Thursday, Friday & Govt. Holiday Closed)
Room No-205
Mobile: 01728148434
Dr. M Ziaul Karim
MBBS, DO, FCPS (Ophth)
Specialty: Glaucoma & Phaco
Associate Professor
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours: Saturday to Thursday; 10.00AM to 12.00PM
Saturday to Thursday; 04.00PM to 06.30PM
Room No-405
Dr. Md. Abdur Rakib Tushar
MBBS, DO, FCPS (Ophth)
Specialty: Phaco, Lasik & Vitreo-Retina
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours : Saturday, Sunday, Monday & Wednesday; 5.00PM to 9.00PM
Room No-204
Mobile: 01918185620, 01819286430
Dr. Md. Bazlul Bari Bhuiyan
MBBS, DO, FCPS-Ophthalmology
Specialty: Laser DCR & Phaco
Associate Professor-Ophthalmology
Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours: Saturday to Thursday; 6.00PM to 9.00PM
Room No-207
Dr. Md. Kamrul Hasan
MBBS, DO (DU), MS (Ophth)
Fellow in Vitreo-Retinal Surgery (India)
Specialty: Phaco, Laser &Vitreo-Retina
Assistant Professor
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours: Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday & Thursday; 5.00PM to 9.00PM
Room No-106
Chamber: 01552378395
Prof. Dr. Md. Kibria Alam
MBBS, DO, MS (Ophth)
Research Fellow (Japan)
Specialty : Cornea, Uvea, Phaco & Laser
Senior Consultant (Eye)
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours : 7.30PM to 9.30PM (Monday & Friday Closed)
Room No-206
Mobile: 01743673149 (Appointment)
Prof. Dr. Md. Mahafuzul Islam
MBBS (Dhaka), DO (DU), MS (Ophth)
Specialty: Phaco &Vitreo Retina
Professor of Ophthalmology, EMCH, Dhaka
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours: Saturday to Thursday; 5.00PM to 9.00PM
Room No-107
Dr. Md. Moinul Hoque
MBBS, MS, Fellow, Orbit & Oculoplasty (NIO&H, Dhaka)
Fellow, Oculoplasty & Ocular oncology (Centre For Sight, Hyderabad)
Associte Professor (Oculoplasty & Ocular oncology)
Department of Community Ophthalmology
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Specialty : Eye Lid, Orbit, Eye Cosmetic & Ocular oncology
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours: Saturday, Monday & Wednesday; 5.00PM to 8.00PM
Room No-406
Prof. Dr. Md. Saleh Ahmed
Specialty : Phaco & Vitreo-Retina
Professor of Vitreo-Retina (Retd.)
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours: Tuesday; 9.00AM to 12.30PM
Room No-107
Prof. Dr. Md. Showkat Kabir
Speciality : Phaco, Medical Retina LASIK, Glaucoma & Contact Lens
Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, BSMMU
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours :Saturday to Wednesday ; 6.00PM to 8.30PM (Thursday by Appointment)
Room No-209
Mobile: 01673987403, 01833073223 (11.00AM to 3.00PM)
Dr. Melia Choudhury
MBBS, DO, MS (Ophth)
Fellow in Oculoplasty & Ocular Oncology, LVPEI, India
Tarinde in Phaco Surgery, Chennai, India
Specialty: Phaco, Glaucoma & Extraocular Surgery
Associate Professor & Head of the Department Holy Family RCMCH
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours : Saturday to Thursday ; 4.30PM to 7.30PM
Room No-206
Mobile: 01552355224
Dr. Ferdous Akhter Jolly
MBBS, DO, FCPS (Ophth)
Associate Professor
BIRDEM General Hospital & Imrahim Medical College
Specialty: Phaco & Medical Retian
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours: Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday; 5.00PM to 8.00PM
Saturday, Monday & Wednesday; 3.00PM to 5.00PM
Room No-409
Prof. Dr. Saifuddin Ahmed Pintu
MBBS, DO, MCPS, MS (Ophth)
Fellow Vitreo-Retina (Rawalpindi, New Delhi)
Specialty: Phaco &Vitreo-Retina
Director Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Eye Hospital & Training Institute, Bangladesh
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Room No-401
Appointment: 01758-676179
Prof. Dr. M. A. Bashar Sheikh
MBBS, FCPS (Ophth)
Specialty: Phaco & Vitreo-Retina
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours :5.00PM to 8.00PM (Tuesday, Friday & Govt. Holidays Closed)
Room No-201
Dr. Sajedur Rahman
MBBS, DO, MS (Ophth)
Fellow in Glaucoma (India)
Specialty : Phaco & Glaucoma
Associate Professor (Ex.) : BIRDEM
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours : Saturday to Thursday; 5.00PM to 9.00PM
& Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday; 10.00AM to 12.30PM
Room No-108
Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Halim Khan
MBBS, FCPS (Ophth)
Research Fellow (Austria)
Specialty: General Ophthalmology
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Prof. Dr. Shovana Alam
MBBS, MS (Ophth)
Fellow in Paediatric Ophth. & Squint (England & Pakistan)
Specialty: Phaco, Squint & Paediatric Ophthalmology
Associate Professor, NIO & H
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours : Sunday to Wednesday ; 5.00PM to 8.00PM
Room No-407
Prof. A.S.M. Kamal Uddin
F.C.P.S (Ophth)
Professor of Ophthalmology
Ispahani Islamia Eye Hospital, Dhaka
Specialty: Phaco, Glaucoma & Medical Retina
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours : Sunday to Thursday ; 5.00PM to 8.00PM
Room No-406
Dr. Syed A. Hassan
MBBS, DO (Dhaka) FCAS& FICO (Japan)
Dr. Tariq Reza Ali
MBBS, DO, MS (Ophthalmology)
Fellow (Retina-Vitreous) LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, India
Associate Professor, Vitreo-Retina, BSMMU
Specialty: Vitreo-Retina & Uveitis
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours: Saturday to Thursday; 4.00PM to 9.00PM
Room No-409
Dr. Md. Quamrul Islam Khan
MBBS, MS (Eye), I.C.O. (England)
Fellowship in Glaucoma LVPEI (India)
Specialty: Glaucoma, Phaco, Medical Retina & Laser
Associate Professor (Eye)
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours : Saturday to Wednesday; 5.00PM to 9.00PM
Room No-402
Prof. DR. Khandoker Ziaul Islam (Zia)
MBBS, DO, MS (Ophthal), Fellow LVPEI (India)
Higher Training in Singapore
Ex-Associate Professor, Vitreo-Retina, BSMMU (P G)
Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, MMCH (Ex.)
Specialty: Glaucoma, Phaco, Laser & Vitreo-Retina
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours :Morning : 10.00AM to 1.00PM
Evening : 5.00PM to 9.00PM Friday Closed
Room No-410
Appointment: 01726739850
Prof. Dr. Md. Hazrat Ali
Specialty: Phaco & Medical Retina
Ex Head, Dept. of Ophthalmology, BIRDEM
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours : 5.00PM to 8.30PM (Tuesday & Friday Closed)
Room No-208
Prof. Dr. Sheikh Mahbub-Us Sobhan
MBBS, Dipl-In-Ophthal, MS (Ophth)
Fellow Vitreo-Retina (Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai, India)
Specialty: Vitreo-Retina, Phaco, Ocular Inflammation
Associate Professor
BIRDEM General Hospital & Ibrahim Medical College
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours :Saturday to Thursday ; 2.00PM to 5.30PM
Room No-209
Dr. Md. Shaheen Reza Chowdhury
MBBS, DO, FCPS (Ophth)
Specialty: Phaco & Cornea
Associate Professor
Dhaka National Medical College & Hospital
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours :Saturday to Thursday ; 6.00PM to 9.00PM
Room No-403
Dr. Md. Asaduzzaman
Assistant Professor
OSB Eye Hospital
Specialty: Cataract & General Ophthalmology
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours : Satarday, Sunday, Monday & Wednesday ;
4.00PM to 8.00PM
Room No-412
Prof. Dr. Md. Musharaf Hossain
Fellow in LV LV Prasad Eye Institute, India
Trained in Phaco-India & Glaucoma- London
Associate Professor, Department of Glaucoma
National Institute of Ophthalmology & Hospital
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours : Saturday to Thursday ; 5.00PM to 10.00PM
Room No-408
Dr. Sharmina Alauddin
Fellow in Orbit Oculoplasty (Arvind Eye Hospital, India)
Specialty : Phaco, Retinal Laser & Oculoplastic Surgery
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Harun Eye Foundation Hospital
Visiting Hours :Saturday & Wednesday; 04.00PM to 07.00PM
Room No-202
Phone: 9613930-34 Ex-202
Hello, I have visited a medicine specialist for other reason, and he done ophthalmoscopy and found some problems, including media hazy. He referred me to Harun eye foundation. Can you please give me an appointment on 28/7/2018. My name is Sultan Reza.
এই ওয়েব সাইট থেকে কোন সিরিয়ালের ব্যবস্থা করা হয় না। আপনি সরাসরি তাদের (Phone: 9613930-34, 01552397518, 01552397517) সাথে কথা বলোুন।
bogus contact numbers! Nobody is there to attend the telephone. how careless the management is!
hi, I am patient in your hospital. I want check my eye to M.A. Mannaf sir. Few time's ago i calling 01552397518 number but i can't contact any number. any problem sir. I want to get an
appointment with M. A. Mannaf Sir on 11th of this month (october)
মজাদার সিরিয়ালের নিয়ম। সিরিয়াল নিতে সকালে লাইনে দাঁড়াতে হয়। এতো উন্নত প্রযুক্তির দিনে লাইনে সিরিয়াল কি বলবো আর। অন্যান্য হাসপাতাল দেখে শিখেন।
কখন সিরিয়াল দেওয়া লাগে একটু জানাবেন প্লীজ
The patient cannot wait for long...There should be a good system to avoid such type of unprofessional rules...
I have been trying to take an appointment of Dr. Shovona Alam... since morning I could not take the appointment... The lady for PABX gives me a mobile no. of her attendant... but since morning the phone is out of reach / switched off... There is no alternative phone number... Really disappointing service ....
Is there any uveitis specialist in your hospital??
contact on hospital
Whose dr fine service.and quick operation icould not find
আমি মন্নাফ স্যারের সিরিয়াল চাই
Who is the best cornea specialist there?
Dr Shona contactnumber pls
Dr.shobna alone contact number
Dr.Asaduzzaman name a kono doctor asa
অনুগ্রহ করে হাসপাতালে ফোন দিয়ে জেনে নিন।
অচল নামবার
আপনি যদি সচল নং টি সংগ্রহ করতে পারেন তবে অনুগ্রহ করে এখানে লিখে দিবেন। ধন্যবাদ।
Phone number off kivaba con tuck korbo
I need Dr Bozlur Bari sir contact number.
I need dr.shuvana alam's appointmen.. So kindly give me her number or her assistant's number..
i need an appointment for 3rd October Monday for below doctor. pls help us regarding this issue. also share ur contact cell no then i will call. Prof. Dr. Sheikh M. A. Mannaf
MBBS, FCPS (Ophth)
Fellow in Glaucoma (USA)
Specialty: Phaco, Medical Retina & Glaucoma
we can't arrange serial, so please call on hospital. thanks.